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The Minneapolis Institute of …
Study for the Pajou Family T …
Augustin Pajou
The Frick Collection
Marie-Adélaïde Hall
Augustin Pajou
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1777 wkg inscr (artist)
[Aeneas Fleeing with Anchise
Augustin Pajou
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1778 wkg inscr (artist)
[Design for a Monumental Vas
Augustin Pajou
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1787
Fickle Love
Augustin Pajou
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Faithful Love
Augustin Pajou
The Metropolitan Museum of A …
18th century (1789)
[Portrait Bust, Madame de Wa
By Augustin Pajou
The Metropolitan Museum of A …
18th century (1789)
[Portrait Bust, Madame de Wa
By Augustin Pajou
The Metropolitan Museum of A …
18th century (1789)
[Portrait Bust, Madame de Wa
By Augustin Pajou