Wang Gai / Album of Landscapes / 1677Wang Gai
Album of Landscapes

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Creator Name: Wang Gai
Creator Nationality: Chinese
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: 1616 - ca. 1695
Creator Name-CRT: Wang Gai
Title: Album of Landscapes
Title Type: Primary
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1677
Creation End Date: 1677
Creation Date: 1677
Object Type: Paintings
Classification Term: Painting
Materials and Techniques: album of eight leaves, ink or ink and light color on paper
Dimensions: Each leaf: 20cm x 22.3cm
Inscriptions: Artist's inscription, signature, and seal on leaf 4: In imitation of [T'ang] Wang Hsia's use of ink. Wang Gai of Hsiu-shui [seal] Gai; Artist's poem, signature and seal on leaf 7; Artist's poem, signature, and 2 seals on leaf 8.8 colophons and 24 additional seals: 1 colophon and 2 seals of Shih Jun-chang (1618-1683); 1 colophon and 3 seals of Wang Shih-chen (1634-1711); 1 colophon and 2 seals of Li Lai-t'ai (dates unknown); 1 colophon and 3 seals of Mi Han-wen (1661 'chin-shih'); 1 colophon and 3 seals of Tai Wang-chin (17th c.); 2 colophons and 6 seals of Tai Wang-lun (1655 'chin-shih'); 1 colophon and 2 seals of Wang Wan (1624-1690); 1 seal of Chang Yin-huan (1837-1900); 2 seals unidentified.Artist's inscription, signature, and seal on leaf E: In imitation of [T'ang] Wang Hsia's use of ink. Wang Kai of Hsiu-shui [seal] Kai.Artist's poem, signature, and seal on leaf G:At an empty window sucking on a brush, the autumn water nearby,Green are the rushes, and bamboo reach to the sky.For those who love hibiscus, river moonlight is best;In this tiny shelter I keep company with sleeping egrets.Wang Kai [seal] Wang yin Kai.Artist's poem, signature, and 2 seals on leaf H:The waters of the Hs¿n-yang River flow around the town [Chiu-chiang in Chianghsi Province];Y¿ Liang [Western Chin Dynasty general and statesman] once made a night excursion here.The air was fresh and cool - it must have been the eighth month;That noble gathering would still be known a thousand years thereafter.In the tantalizing ways we feast there is no difference, past or present,Lofty and pre-eminent talent still overflows in the exchange of verses,Tall and large pavilions all share in good writing.Joy winging through the air is no less than that in the Southern Tower.[The Southern Tower, in Nanch'ang, Hupei Province, was where Y¿ Liang spent an evening with friends and contemporaries exchanging poetry and ideas.]In the mid-autumn of the ting-ssu year [1677], these paintings and comments are presented t
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1975.64
Credit Line: Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund
Provenance: Chang Yin-huan; Ho Kuan-wu; Liu Ts'o-ch'ou; (Robert G. Sawers)
Link to Work: CMA_.1975.64.1
Link to Work: CMA_.1975.64.8
AMICA ID: CMA_.1975.64
AMICA Library Year: 2002
Media Metadata Rights: Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art

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