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Creator Nationality: European; Northern European; German
Creator Name-CRT: Germany, Franconia or Saxony (?) or Silesia (?), 15th Century
Title: Three Cuttings from a Missal: Initial L with the Annunciation to the Shepherds
Title Type: Primary
Title: Cutting from a Missal: Initial L with the Annunciation to the Shepherds
Title Type: Former
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1465
Creation End Date: 1505
Creation Date: c. 1470-1500
Creation Place: Franconia
Creation Place: possibly Saxony
Creation Place: possibly Silesia
Object Type: Books
Classification Term: Manuscript
Materials and Techniques: ink, tempera and gold on vellum
Dimensions: Each leaf: 17.6cm x 9cm
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1999.137.1
Credit Line: The Jeanne Miles Blackburn Collection
Rights: http://www.clemusart.com/museum/disclaim2.html
Provenance: [Bruce Ferrini, Akron]
Context: Three Cuttings from a Missal,Initial L: Annunciation to the Shepherds[Cat. no. 78.a (CMA 1999.137.1)]about 1470-1500Germany (Franconia or Saxony?) or Silesia(?)Ink, tempera, and gold on vellumThe Jeanne Miles Blackburn Collection [Cat. nos. 78a-c]These three cuttings are illuminated in a style that is somewhat provincial and difficult to localize. The figures relate to late 15th-century German woodcut illustration, but also vaguely recall Franconian sculpture and Saxon painting. The figures are simply, though charmingly, sketched in heavy black ink with little attention to finesse of line or detail. The palette is confined to dark hues of red, blue, and ochre withflesh tones either left white or colored pink. The style hints at an origin in Franconia, Saxony, or Silesia.The initial "E" includes a form of musical notation called Hufnagalshrift or "Horseshoe nail writing"because it resembles the nails used to affix horseshoes. Hufnagalshrift appears almost exclusively in manuscripts produced in Germanic Central Europe. The use of different colored lines in the musical stave is a known feature of Saxony. The text Exultet iam angelica (Rejoice now angel) begins the prayer used only on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil. It was sung by the priest at Mass to a very special and ancient melody.
Link to Work: CMA_.1999.137.2-3
AMICA ID: CMA_.1999.137.1
AMICA Library Year: 2001
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art
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