Yaka, Democratic Republic of the Congo / Mask / 20th centuryYaka, Democratic Republic of the Congo
20th century

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Creator Nationality: African
Creator Name-CRT: Yaka, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Title: Mask
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1900
Creation End Date: 1975
Creation Date: 20th century
Creation Place: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa
Object Type: Costume and Jewelry
Classification Term: Masks
Materials and Techniques: Wood, fiber (raffia), pigment
Dimensions: (Including raffia): height: 21 1/2"; width: 15 1/2"; depth: 11 1/2"
Description: Carved and constructed face mask held by short, round handle and base; oval wooden face with large, protuberant features; exaggerated nose with center ridge and broad, square nostrils; nose merges with narrow, rectangular jaw; mouth agape with red protrusion; large ovoid eyes with central grooves, viewing slits below; large, square ears at sides angled forward; all areas with white pigment (kaolin?) except for blue pigment on lower half of eyes; coiffure a cone-shape superstructure of painted woven fiber material pegged to top of head; red, black, white designs worn, chipped away; inward curving fiber cloth wrapped buffalo horn on each side of coiffure; raffia fringe completely encircles mask in several layers from below coiffure around chin.
AMICA Contributor: Brooklyn Children's Museum
Owner Location: Brooklyn, New York, USA
ID Number: 75.42.4
Credit Line: Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, 1975
Rights: http://www.amico.org/rights/bcm_.html
Context: Initiation camps for Yaka boys may last 1 to 3 years as they undergo circumcision and instruction to learn and perfect skills, dance sequences, myths and sexual attitudes. New initiates wear the masks at the end of camp, when they reappear and begin a dance tour of the region. Only one camp official wears the kholuka mask with a puppetry superstructure and performs at the end of ceremonies. The dance tour presents new initiates to the people and reimburses the camp officials for their service. New initiates dance in pairs, hold the masks in front of their faces.
AMICA ID: BCM_.75.42.4
AMICA Library Year: 2003
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