Rufino Tamayo / El Hombre (Man) / 1953Rufino Tamayo
El Hombre (Man)

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Creator Name: Tamayo, Rufino
Creator Dates/Places: Mexican, 1899 - 1991
Creator Name-CRT: Rufino Tamayo
Title: El Hombre (Man)
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1953
Creation End Date: 1953
Creation Date: 1953
Object Type: Paintings
Materials and Techniques: Vinyl with pigment on panel
Dimensions: Overall: 216 x 126 in. (548.64 x 320.04 cm.)
AMICA Contributor: Dallas Museum of Art
Owner Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
ID Number: 1953.22
Credit Line: Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Art Association commission, Neiman-Marcus Company Exposition Funds
Copyright: ? Estate of the artist in support of Fundacion Olga Y Rufino Tamayo, A.C.
Context: A Zapotec Indian, Rufino Tamayo was largely self-taught. Fascinated by folkways, he spent much of his youth drawing Mexican folk art in museums. Tamayo also derived inspiration from Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, whose interest in African and Oceanic art struck a similar chord. Tamayo lived and worked in Paris and New York for much of his life, returning to Mexico permanently in 1964.To strengthen the ties between Mexico and the United States, in 1953 the Dallas Art Association commissioned Tamayo to paint a mural to celebrate the universality of the human condition. Tamayo chose as his theme "man excelling himself," which he shortened to the title "El Hombre." The mural is the culminating statement of the artist's lifelong interest in the aspirations of mankind, a theme Tamayo had explored in several earlier, smaller works. In these the artist had painted a figure against a starry sky, working out the symbolism of humankind's search for our place in the cosmos. When he turned to "El Hombre," Tamayo universalized his theme: his abstract figure is of no particular race, but its tawny ochre color associates it with the earth and affirms our unbreakable link with the planet. The figure's heavy legs are angular trunks rooted firmly in the rich brown earth. The attenuated form grows longer and thinner as it reaches for a comet streaking across the starry sky. A black dog, heedless of the wonders in the night sky, turns to a bone, his presence a symbol of man's baser instincts."Dallas Museum of Art: A Guide to the Collection," page 260
AMICA ID: DMA_.1953.22
AMICA Library Year: 2003
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