Charles-Henri-Joseph Cordier / Algerian / 19th CenturyCharles-Henri-Joseph Cordier
19th Century

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Creator Name: Cordier, Charles-Henri-Joseph
Creator Nationality: European; French
Creator Role: Sculptor
Creator Dates/Places: 1827 - 1905
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Charles-Henri-Joseph Cordier
Title: Algerian
View: front
Creation Start Date: 1800
Creation End Date: 1899
Creation Date: 19th Century
Object Type: Sculpture
Classification Term: jasper and bronze
Materials and Techniques: Algerian jasper and silvered bronze
Dimensions: H.38-3/16 in.
AMICA Contributor: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Owner Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
ID Number: 76.3
Credit Line: The William Hood Dunwoody Fund

Cordier's bust of the Negro in Algerian Costume was so admired during the mid-nineteenth century that the French Emperor Napoleon III purchased two versions, one in 1857 and one in 1860 (both in French museum collections). Cordier exhibited twelve busts of mixed onyx, marble and bronze of specific racial types in North African costumes at the Salon of 1857. Cordier began this series in 1850 when he was commissioned to make busts for a new ethnographic gallery in the Musée d'Histoire naturelle in Paris. Cordier researched ethnographic themes as well as the technique of combining materials such as bronze with colored stones.

There was tremendous interest in the exotic worlds of Asia and Africa during the mid and late nineteenth century which were encouraged and satisfied by the international expositions beginning in 1851. These exhibitions included displays of objects from various cultures and helped to foster a greater understanding of the world. Cordier wrote of his depiction of ethnographic types, claiming that his was not a strict scientific treatment, but rather the creation of "a general type combining all the beauties specific to race under study".

Component Measured: height only
Measurement Unit: in
AMICA Library Year: 2001
Media Metadata Rights: ?The Minneapolis Institute of Arts

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