Huang Ts'un-wu / Exalted Gathering in the Green Woods / about 1620Huang Ts'un-wu
Exalted Gathering in the Green Woods
about 1620

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Creator Name: Ts'un-wu, Huang
Creator Nationality: Asian; Far East Asian; Chinese
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: active 17th century
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Huang Ts'un-wu
Creator Name: Ch'i-Ch'ang, Tung
Creator Name-CRT: Tung Ch'i-Ch'ang
Title: Exalted Gathering in the Green Woods
View: front
Creation Start Date: 1610
Creation End Date: 1630
Creation Date: about 1620
Object Type: Paintings
Materials and Techniques: Ink and color on paper
Dimensions: H.10 x W.36 in. (image)
AMICA Contributor: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Owner Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
ID Number: 96.70
Credit Line: Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton

This rare portrait of a literary gathering (ya chi) depicts Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, one of the most important personalities in the history of Chinese art, at the far right. Next to him stands his close friend Ch'en Chi-ju (1558-1639). To the left of Ch'en, the scholars Wang Chih-teng (1535-1612), Chang Feng-i (1550-1636), and Chao Huang-kuang (1559-1625) are shown playing the ch'in. The monk Yen T'ien-ch'ih (17th century) and Chu-hung (1535-1615) appear to the left of them. The men are gathered around a large tai-hu rock to listen to ch'in music, examine scrolls, and to converse. These historic figures epitomize the literati ideal. They all were trained in Confucian classics, some served the state as scholar officials, and all played the reclusive role of retired gentlemen. They defined Ming literati tastes through their painting, calligraphy, music, writing of poetry, carving seals, and collecting of ancient rubbings.

Sensitive to literati pictorial taste, the painters used muted colors and exhibited a variety of brush strokes and a naive sense of space. The title colophon, composed of five beautifully balanced characters, is signed by Tung himself, the great literatus who created a new artistic and cultural synthesis in 17th-century China.

AMICA ID: MIA_.96.70
Component Measured: image
Measurement Unit: in
AMICA Library Year: 2000
Media Metadata Rights: ?The Minneapolis Institute of Arts

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