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Creator Name: Tao Cheng
Creator Nationality: Chinese
Creator Role: Artist
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Tao Cheng
Title: Chrysanthemums and Cabbages
Title Type: Primary
View: Detail
Creation Start Date: 1490
Creation End Date: 1490
Creation Date: 1490
Object Type: Paintings
Classification Term: Painting
Materials and Techniques: handscroll, ink and slight color on paper
Dimensions: Overall: 253.7cm x 28.6cm
Inscriptions: Artist's seal at beginning of painting: Yun-hu.16 inscriptions and 52 additional seals: 1 poem and 1 seal of Chang Y¿an-chen (1437-1507); 2 poems and 6 seals of Ni Y¿eh (1444-1501); 2 poems and 4 seals of Chao Hsiang (n. d.); 2 poems and 2 seals of Wu Hsi-hsien (1437-1489); 2 poems and 2 seals of L¿ Ch'ang (1449-1511); 2 poems and 6 seals of Fu Han (1435-1502); 2 poems and 2 seals of Feng Ch¿eh (n. d.); 1 poem and 1 seal of Ts'ai Ch'i (n. d.); 1 poem and 3 seals of Chiao Fang (act. 1464-1517); 1 poem and 3 seals of Li Tung-yang (1447-1516); 2 seals of Wang Wen-chih (1730-1802); 3 seals of Ku Y¿n (n. d.).Poems after Chrysanthemums:Several bushes of chrysanthemums grow in front of the Five-Willow Cottage,The yellow ones are really yellow and the white ones white.This affable and decent fellow, young in years and unsophisticated,Has snapped one of the branches to dip in ink.Chang Y¿an-chen[The Five-Willows Cottage was the home of the poet T'ao Ch'ien (Tao Y¿an-ming, 365-427).]Where at the Eastern Fence can you grieve for the Soul of the Hsiang River?A man of upright character is mourned within the traces of ink.White jade with a slight flaw would be a grievance forever,Later men should understand why even the roots of the flowers are washed.Ni Y¿eh[Eastern Fence refers again to the poet T'ao Ch'ien, while the Soul of the Hsiang River refers to the poet Ch'u Y¿an, (4th-3rd c. BC).]A clump of chrysanthemum grows in front of the bamboo pavilion,The winds of many autumns have blown since we parted beyond the river.Straining wine through the official's cap of T'ao [Ch'ien] to prolong autumn's pleasures,The mists and clouds of ten thousand miles belong to the intoxicated.Chao HsiangIt is a different spring if mulberry is planted during the latter part of the year,The dust of the world originally did not drop on clothing.Who spills out ink under the Eastern FenceAnd paints so freely this portrait of chrysanthemums for the venerable Sir T'ao?Wu Hsi-hsienThis full tray of ink f
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1960.40
Credit Line: Anonymous gift
Rights: http://www.clevelandart.org/museum/disclaim2.html
Provenance: Chang Heng; Hsü Pang-ta; Walter Hochstadter; Mr. and Mrs. Severance A. Millikin; Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burton
Style or Period: China, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
AMICA ID: CMA_.1960.40
AMICA Library Year: 2003
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