Lievin Cruyl / Campo Vaccino (The Roman Forum) / 1665Lievin Cruyl
Campo Vaccino (The Roman Forum)

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Creator Name: Cruyl, Lievin
Creator Nationality: European; Flemish
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: c. 1640 - c. 1720
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Lievin Cruyl
Title: Campo Vaccino (The Roman Forum)
Title Type: Former
Title: Campo Vaccino
Title Type: Foreign
Title: Eighteen Views of Rome: The Campo Vaccino (The Roman Forum)
Title Type: Primary
Title: Diciotto Vedute di Roma: Veduta di Campo Vaccino
Title: Porspetto dell' Campo Vaccino
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1665
Creation End Date: 1665
Creation Date: 1665
Object Type: Drawings and Watercolors
Materials and Techniques: pen and brown ink and brush and gray wash over stylus and graphite; framing lines in brown ink
Dimensions: Sheet: 38.8cm x 50.7cm
Inscriptions: signed, lower right, in brown ink: [artist's monogram: LC] RVYL delin: Romæ mense / Martio. 1665. ; by artist, upper center, in brown ink: Prospetto dell' Campo Vaccino. ; by artist, throughout composition, in brown ink: [the letters A-Y and the numerals 1-4] ; by artist, across bottom, in brown ink: A. Pars Templi S. Francescæ Romanæ. B. Ruinæ Templi Pacis. C. Turris Comitum. D. Montorium S. Catharinæ Senensis. E. Monrium SS. Syxti et Dominici. F. Palatium Pontificium in Monte Quirinale. G. Porta Populi. / H. Columna Antonina. I. Columna Traiana. K. S.T. Mariæ Laurentanæ. L. Temp. S. Ignatij cum Collegio Romano. M. Temp. SS. Cosmæ, et Damiani. N. Temp. Fautinæ, hodiè S. Laurentij. O. Temp. Adreani. / P. Templum S. Lucæ Evangelistæ. Q. Temp. S. Iosephi, et SS. Aplorum Petri, et Pauli in Carcere. R.Templum et Conventus Minoritarum in Arâ Coeli. S. Capitolium Romanum. T. Templum S. Andr[ea] / della Valle dictum. U. Basilica S. Petri. W. Ruinæ Templi Concordiæ. V. Ruinæ Templi Jovis Statoris. X. Templum D. Mariæ Liberatoris. / [1]. Fons in Foro Romano. / 2. Horti in Palatini Farnesiorum. / 3. Arcus Septimij Severi. / [4.] V[ia] ab Alex. vii. arboribus consita. ; ON STRIPS OF PAPER MOUNTED TO VERSO, lower center, in graphite: A20967 ; lower right, in graphite: E. 17 ; ON PIECE OF PAPER APPLIED TO VERSO AS A REPAIR, center, in graphite: [two lines of illegible inscription] [masked]
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1943.270
Credit Line: Dudley P. Allen Fund
Provenance: Private Collection, Austria (according to departmental card and cataloguing sheet); Albertina, Vienna (1910-18) (Lugt 174, not stamped, inscribed with Albertina inventory number, verso, lower center, in graphite); Hapsburg family collection (not stamped, according to departmental card and cataloguing sheet). [R.H. Zinser, New York]
AMICA ID: CMA_.1943.270
AMICA Library Year: 2000
Media Metadata Rights: Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art

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