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Creator Name: Close, Chuck
Creator Nationality: North American; American
Creator Role: painter
Creator Dates/Places: b. 1940
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Chuck Close
Title: Frank
View: front
Creation Start Date: 1969
Creation End Date: 1969
Creation Date: 1969
Object Type: Paintings
Classification Term: oil on canvas
Materials and Techniques: acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: H.108 x W.84 x D 3 in.
AMICA Contributor: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Owner Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
ID Number: 69.137
Credit Line: The John R. Van Derlip Fund

The model for this painting was not Frank himself but rather an 8 x 10-inch photograph of him. In the 1960s, Chuck Close photographed his subjects and then meticulously copied the photographic images, in paint, onto large canvases. With this painstaking technique, he preserved the objectivity of photography. Close also simulated the way the camera, like the human eye, focuses on one area at a time, leaving other areas blurred. By these means, he directed our attention to some intriguing aspects of visual perception.

A work of such grand scale--typical of American painting after 1950--is unsettling, particularly when it features a colossal human head. "The large scale," Close explained, "forces the viewer to read the surface of the painting differently...[to] look at it piece by piece." The details, then, can be perceived either as facial pores and hairs or as an abstract pattern of black, gray, and white.

Related Multimedia Description: Antenna Audio: Permanent Collection Tour
Link to Multimedia: MIA_.AA200103.23.mp3
AMICA ID: MIA_.69.137
Component Measured: overall
Measurement Unit: in
AMICA Library Year: 2000
Media Metadata Rights: ?The Minneapolis Institute of Arts

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