Greek / Stamnos (Wine Jar) / High Classical Period, c. 450 B.C.Greek
Stamnos (Wine Jar)
High Classical Period, c. 450 B.C.

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Creator Name: Unknown
Creator Nationality: European; Southern European; Mediterranean
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: Ancient Greece Early Western World,Ancient Mediterranean,Ancient
Creator Active Place: Early Western World,Ancient Mediterranean,Ancient
Creator Name-CRT: Greek
Creator Name: Chicago Painter
Creator Role: painter
Creator Dates/Places: Greek; fl. c.450 B.C. Early Western World,Ancient Mediterranean,Ancient
Creator Name-CRT: Chicago Painter
Title: Stamnos (Wine Jar)
Title Type: preferred
View: 'front view without lid of female figures, vase, kantharos on table, and thyrsos'
Creation Start Date: -45
Creation End Date: -44
Creation Date: High Classical Period, c. 450 B.C.
Creation Place: Europe,Greece,Greater Athens,Athens
Object Type: Decorative Arts and Utilitarian Objects
Classification Term: Vessel
Materials and Techniques: Earthenware, red-figure technique
Dimensions: H: 37 cm (14-5/8 in.); Diam. with handles: 41.9 cm (16-1/2 in.); Diam. of rim: 21.1 cm. (8-5/16 in.)
AMICA Contributor: The Art Institute of Chicago
Owner Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
ID Number: 1889.22
Credit Line: The Art Institute of Chicago, Gift of Philip D. Armour and Charles L. Hutchinson
Subject Description: The painted scene on the front of this stamnos, or wine jar, shows three female figures. To the left, a woman shown in profile view holds up a vase that has the same shape as the stamnos itself. The central figure prepares to place a garland around the vase's neck. She stands in front of a table on which sit a kantharos (a high-handled, deep drinking cup) and a pomegranate (or apple). To the right, a garlanded woman holds a thyrsos (a special staff carried by maenads). In this scene, we are in Dionysos'srealm: the three women, one certainly a maenad and the others possibly also, celebrate a festival. One noteworthy aspect of this scene is the seriousness of mood communicated by the set of bodies and heads and by the gestures. On the back, another trio of women display interest in wine: one holds a drinking horn and another a thyrsos, while a third looks on.
Context: Baked clay vessels decorated with mythological and genre scenes were used by Greeks as dinner party ware, prizes, gifts, and grave offerings. During the High Classical Period Athens was the leading center in vase production, as well as the intellectual and political leader of the Greek mainland and the Ionian coast. Philosophers Socrates, Plate, and Aristotle, playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes, and the politician Pericles worked at this time in the city that was restoring the ruined Acropolis with building such as the Parthenon.
AMICA ID: AIC_.1889.22
AMICA Library Year: 1998
Media Metadata Rights: Copyright The Art Institute of Chicago, 1998

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