Gerrit van Honthorst / The Denial of St. Peter / about 1620 - 1625Gerrit van Honthorst
The Denial of St. Peter
about 1620 - 1625

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Creator Name: Honthorst, Gerrit van
Creator Nationality: European; Dutch
Creator Role: painter
Creator Dates/Places: 1590 - 1656
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Gerrit van Honthorst
Title: The Denial of St. Peter
View: front
Creation Start Date: 1620
Creation End Date: 1625
Creation Date: about 1620 - 1625
Object Type: Paintings
Materials and Techniques: oil on canvas
Dimensions: H.43-1/2 x W.57 in.
AMICA Contributor: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Owner Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
ID Number: 71.78
Credit Line: The Putnam Dana McMillan Fund
Named Subjects:

The story of the denial of St. Peter depicted here follows the text of Matthew 26:69-70;"And as Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the maids of the high priest came; and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, 'You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus.' But he denied it saying, 'I neither know nor understand what you mean. 'And immediately, while he was speaking, the cock crowed' And Peter remembered the words of the Lord, how he had said to him, 'Before the cock crows today, you will deny me three times'. And he went out and wept bitterly."

The story is also related in two other gospels: Mark 14:66 and Luke 22:54-62.The nocturnal fire as the setting is mentioned in all three accounts.


Frame: Italian early 17th century reverse cassetta profile frame

Gift of the Friends of the Institute and the John R. Van Derlip Fund 90.62

This painting illustrates a New Testament passage. A young maidservant accused the apostle Peter, in the yellow cloak, of knowing Jesus Christ. Fearing for his own safety, Peter denied the acquaintance.

While working in Italy, the Dutch artist Gerrit van Honthorst earned the nickname 'Gerard of the Night' for his dramatically lit night scenes. Like the Italian artist Caravaggio, whom he admired, Honthorst constructed psychologically intense paintings through the use of strong contrasts of light and shadow, close-ups of large plebeian figures, and expressive hand gestures.

AMICA ID: MIA_.71.78
Component Measured: overall
Measurement Unit: in
AMICA Library Year: 1998
Media Metadata Rights: ?The Minneapolis Institute of Arts

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