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Mary Vaux Walcott
Showy Lady's Slipper (C...
Smithsonian American Ar...
Beargrass (Xerophyllum ...
Whitebark Pine (Pinus a...
Slim Larkspur (Delphini...
California Pitcherplant...
Margaret Watkins
Domestic Symphony
National Gallery of Can...
The Kitchen Sink
c. 1919
Max Weber
Afternoon Repast
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
George Hand Wright
Woman sitting on table,...
Library of Congress Pri...
Inside were three men a...
It's very silly, really...
Florence Wyle
Head of F.H. Varley
c. 1922
Frederick Coffay Yohn
Boys hiding behind wall
Armed men stationed in ...
Skyscrapers and planes
William Zorach
Untitled (Christmas car...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
c. 1914
The Minneapolis Institu...
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